the samudra global school for living yoga
Learn the art of living yoga and offering solar-lunar Prana Vinyasa® in our empowering and evolutionary journey
be empowered to become a full-spectrum vinyasa teacher and soulful wellness guide offering a wholistic offering of creative classes to embody the flow for all
Please read our Diversity & Inclusion Statement
your journey includes
Mudra of the week
Embody 54 Mudras in the year as you receive your curated mudra meditation every week in a progressive journey.
Namaskar of the week
Learn and embody a classical or elemental Prana Flow namaskar or movement meditation and for teacher’s on the path - evolutionary variations and teaching tools to integrate each week.
Prana Flow Namaskar Wave
Enjoy a new live Prana Vinyasa Wave with Shiva and a global music mix offered in a soulful, whole-body, revitalizing movement meditation. For new practitioners and Prana Vinyasa teachers, you will feel grounded and stimulated by the “progression wave” based on the weekly Namaskar. These fresh classes are in the evolutionary “progression wave” way of sequencing.
Wisdom Teachings
Receive the “Wisdom Tree” teachings from the heart of yoga and mystic heart of the world’s spiritual traditions as we integrate a systematic journey from the Vedas to the Tantras and Mystic Heart Poetry with 108 Wisdom Passages.
home and global retreats
Enjoy a weekly “soulful wellness teaching” rooted in our inner and outer health as well as mentorship group to tend the fire of your health, your heart and life-passion.
membership with shiva
Enjoy Weekly LIVE Mentorship with Prana Vinyasa founder, Shiva Rea, LIVE General Access in private What's App group and opportunity to register for 1-1 guidance.
Meditation Mandala
Embody 54 Mudras in the year as you receive your curated mudra meditation every week in a progressive journey.
Movement Alchemy Mandala
Learn and embody movement alchemy for supporting vital living through the seasons. Experience a systematic approach to movement meditation and receive inspiration to bring to your teaching and living arts integrate each week.
Living in Rhythm
Our program provides, daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal guidance for tending the fire of your life-force and soul. Our jourmey embodies the rhythm of the moon and sun to follow the seasonal rhythm of the year and the significant holy-days that are part of the world’s spiritual traditions.
Daily Sparks for the Teacher's Path
Cultivate community connection through global diversity. Our community portal is where Shiva shares her down to earth wisdom and feedback so you can kindle your life-force
Temd the Fire + Nuture your Living Yoga and Home practice wherever you are